Hi all,
The surveying society is pleased to present SKM at our next BBQ thiscoming Friday the 3rd of August. At 11am SKM will do a presentation abouttheir business and the work that they do, and then from 12 the BBQ willbe fired up and this will give a good opportunity for 1 on 1 interaction with the SKM guys.
As you all probably know SKM are a big internationalbusiness that do work in all types of spatial fields. This is what theyclaim from their website " We provide leading edge services encompassing Geographic Information Systems (GIS), photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, data conversion, mapping and spatial databases".
So everyone get their resumes ready and come down to CenSIS for a beer and snag.
$4 BBQ, $1 softies, $1.50 Lights, $2 draughts and $2.50 premos. As thefirst years barely ever turn up to any the BBQs it is only a gold coin donation for the BBQ by first years. It would be great to get a good turnout of students so will see you all there this Friday.
El Presidente
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