So its exam time .. I have 3 more. I hear some folks have finished up so good on you, hope you did well and choke (just a little) on your vomit while I struggle to study still!
All hail our next president. 10 points to anybody (and I'll buy the first a beer) who names him below.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Hi all. barbeque this Friday (the 1st August) so come along and bring law chicks (or at least bring your-bloody well-self!
Erm.. I won't be tehre actually, little bro is over... but everyone else will be going!
So turn up.. or else...
We recently discovered that this Friday's geohash (see post below) is here so maybe after the BBQ you can all go for a drive and a picnic!!
Erm.. I won't be tehre actually, little bro is over... but everyone else will be going!
So turn up.. or else...
We recently discovered that this Friday's geohash (see post below) is here so maybe after the BBQ you can all go for a drive and a picnic!!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Holiday project
The project for the holidays is unofficially running the inaugural Hobart GeoHash. check out the link here. And in the comments let us work out a date and the starting coordinates for this excercise. We also need to wait for 10am so that the all ordinaries value can be added. Hold on... look here theres some Hobart folks doing it already! So if anybody's keen, leave a preferred date in the coments and lets do it! we can get at least 3 others from the wiki site involved, I will attend if at least 3 folks commit to joining me!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
finally after years of neglect...
The UTas surveying society blogg is alive! So I begin by saying hi, and welcoming anyone who still looks at the site, and i will begin adding some content soon. agl
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
End of Year Dinner
The surveying society dinner is one of the most important tasks a surveyor faces in their social calendar. It is almost as important as including references in a GIS project. It is an opportunity to reflect on the year that was and celebrate with your fellow surveyors, as well as buying a beer for your lecturers before they mark the exams!
Site Location & Conditions
The site for this survey is the Shipwrights Arms Hotel, 29 Trumpeter Street Battery Point. On the 19th of October, at 6:30pm. The conditions are irrelevant as we will be inside.
A Surveying Society Stubby Holder will be supplied inclusive in the price of $45.
Make sure you have a lift home and/or have organised a bed at Ed’s house.
High Visibility gear will not be required however attendees are requested to “dress to impress”.
Vegetarians are dangerous. If you are one, let us know and we will try to organise alternative cuisine.
A three-course meal will be provided, as well as a substantial bar tab.
Discussion & Conclusion (RSVP by Friday 5th October) submitted to:
Michael French
John Magee
Edwin Darke (pay Ed, he has the receipt book)
Dylan Colson
Tim Lisle
The surveying society dinner is one of the most important tasks a surveyor faces in their social calendar. It is almost as important as including references in a GIS project. It is an opportunity to reflect on the year that was and celebrate with your fellow surveyors, as well as buying a beer for your lecturers before they mark the exams!
Site Location & Conditions
The site for this survey is the Shipwrights Arms Hotel, 29 Trumpeter Street Battery Point. On the 19th of October, at 6:30pm. The conditions are irrelevant as we will be inside.
A Surveying Society Stubby Holder will be supplied inclusive in the price of $45.
Make sure you have a lift home and/or have organised a bed at Ed’s house.
High Visibility gear will not be required however attendees are requested to “dress to impress”.
Vegetarians are dangerous. If you are one, let us know and we will try to organise alternative cuisine.
A three-course meal will be provided, as well as a substantial bar tab.
Discussion & Conclusion (RSVP by Friday 5th October) submitted to:
Michael French
John Magee
Edwin Darke (pay Ed, he has the receipt book)
Dylan Colson
Tim Lisle
- End of year dinner
- Cost: $45.00 includes 3 course dinner, bar tap and stubby cooler.
- Where: Shipwright Arms, Battery Point
- When: 6:30 for 7:00 Friday 19 October (last day of semester)
- Dress: The more formal the better
- RSVP: Friday 5 October to Ed Darke
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mid Sem Break

Hi Everyone,

To celebrate the upcoming semester break the society is having a BBQ this Friday.
You should know all the prices by now. They are below if you need an update.
We'll be having a presentation on surveying the MCG by Chris at 1230, with the BBQ cooking by 1300.
Come along, bring girlfriends, friends, cousins or leprechauns.
Will be a good warm up for the other festivities happening on Friday.
See you all there
El presidente

Thursday, August 16, 2007
OK everybody,
Its time again for another BBQ, this Friday. Same prices as usual.
It appears that the reason first years haven been turning up is that they have a timetable clash. So to fix this the timehas changed, we have a presentation at 12.30 and then the BBQ will befired up 1.
The presentation this week will be from Arko Lucieer on the research work that he does. The title of his presentation is "about wavelets, pixels, and patterns" (the abstract can be seen below). The aim of this presentation (and hopefully further presentations) is to be an informal opportunity for students to meet with lectures and see what they actually do. Contrary to popular belief lectures do more than play with MATLAB and mark our assignments!. The presentation will be held in the former engineering tea room.
The society is trying to provide students with a direct link to lecturers and the spatial industry with these BBQs so we would really appreciate your support (by turning up!).
So I hope to see you all there.
Abstract: This study presents a new approach towards combining spatial information from the panchromatic band with spectral information from the multispectral bands of a high-resolution Quickbird image. A wavelettexture measure is computed from the panchromatic band and merged with the multispectral bands to form a new image stack combining spectral andspatial information. This new image is then classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification algorithm. This technique is illustrated with a case study on a vegetation classification of a Quickbird image of subantarctic Macquarie Island.
El Presidente
Its time again for another BBQ, this Friday. Same prices as usual.
It appears that the reason first years haven been turning up is that they have a timetable clash. So to fix this the timehas changed, we have a presentation at 12.30 and then the BBQ will befired up 1.
The presentation this week will be from Arko Lucieer on the research work that he does. The title of his presentation is "about wavelets, pixels, and patterns" (the abstract can be seen below). The aim of this presentation (and hopefully further presentations) is to be an informal opportunity for students to meet with lectures and see what they actually do. Contrary to popular belief lectures do more than play with MATLAB and mark our assignments!. The presentation will be held in the former engineering tea room.
The society is trying to provide students with a direct link to lecturers and the spatial industry with these BBQs so we would really appreciate your support (by turning up!).
So I hope to see you all there.
Abstract: This study presents a new approach towards combining spatial information from the panchromatic band with spectral information from the multispectral bands of a high-resolution Quickbird image. A wavelettexture measure is computed from the panchromatic band and merged with the multispectral bands to form a new image stack combining spectral andspatial information. This new image is then classified using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification algorithm. This technique is illustrated with a case study on a vegetation classification of a Quickbird image of subantarctic Macquarie Island.
El Presidente
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
SKM at the next BBQ

Hi all,
The surveying society is pleased to present SKM at our next BBQ thiscoming Friday the 3rd of August. At 11am SKM will do a presentation abouttheir business and the work that they do, and then from 12 the BBQ willbe fired up and this will give a good opportunity for 1 on 1 interaction with the SKM guys.
As you all probably know SKM are a big internationalbusiness that do work in all types of spatial fields. This is what theyclaim from their website " We provide leading edge services encompassing Geographic Information Systems (GIS), photogrammetry, remote sensing, surveying, data conversion, mapping and spatial databases".
So everyone get their resumes ready and come down to CenSIS for a beer and snag.
$4 BBQ, $1 softies, $1.50 Lights, $2 draughts and $2.50 premos. As thefirst years barely ever turn up to any the BBQs it is only a gold coin donation for the BBQ by first years. It would be great to get a good turnout of students so will see you all there this Friday.
El Presidente
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
First BBQ of 2nd Semester
All you can eat $4.00
Or sausages $1.00 burgers $1.50
Drinks from $1.00 to $2.50
Goon at the right price!
12 Noon Friday 20th on the lawn outside the Surveying Building
Or if it’s raining in the unofficial surveying common room
Drinks from $1.00 to $2.50
Goon at the right price!
12 Noon Friday 20th on the lawn outside the Surveying Building
Or if it’s raining in the unofficial surveying common room
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Random Party Photos
A few random photos of Danish's Birthday Party, Danish's food night and after exam dinner and drinks.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
The TJ/RC Show
Dear Me! Lucky most (all but one!) of the first years didn't make it to the last BBQ of semester because they would have seen TJ, one of the worldly and illustrious 4th years, make a fool of himself. Not only does he shave his legs but apparently the wearing of ladies shoes is ok, see exhibit A below. Later in the night TJ thought it would be great to play slaps with L face. Lucky Dynamo D was there to save the day............................
RC is back

Dynamo D.
Friday, May 25, 2007
End of Semester BBQ
Well ladies and gentlemen,
We are having a special BBQ to celebrate the last day of semester. Next
Friday (1st of June) we are lucky enough to have our major sponsors turn
up for one of our infamous BBQ’s. We will be graced with the presence of
the company director (networking!!!), the laser scanner (hi-tech!!!) and
possibly a robotic total station and new GPS (wow!!!). Now there is no
reason for anyone not to turn up. Have your resumes ready because im sure
they will be happy to talk work experience, that even goes for first
years, the best thing you can do is get work experience early on in your
degree. We have even hired Chef John to be in charge of salads (that’s
right SALADS!) it will be a gourmet delight.
From 11 we will have a presentation from Lester Franks, hopefully the
laser scanner should be in action.
laser scanner should be in action.
Then at 12 the BBQ will start.
• $4 BBQ, only a gold coin donation from first years (so please turn up!)
• $1 soft drink
• $1.50 light beer
• $2 beer
• $2.50 premium beer
Please can we get every one to turn up and make this a great success,
remember its your uni life.
remember its your uni life.
Your Gracious leader,
El Presidente
El Presidente
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
BBQ this Friday
Its time again for another bbq. this friday. you should all know the
drill by now. $4bbq, $2 beers, $2.50 premos, $1.50 lights and $1 softies.
as some of the boys finished off the goon last time there maybe a new
fresh vintage. dylan can tell every1 how 1 year old goon can make you
fall asleep in the metz toilets. no first years turned up last time which
was a disgrace... look forward to seeing you all this time.
the one and only
el presidente
drill by now. $4bbq, $2 beers, $2.50 premos, $1.50 lights and $1 softies.
as some of the boys finished off the goon last time there maybe a new
fresh vintage. dylan can tell every1 how 1 year old goon can make you
fall asleep in the metz toilets. no first years turned up last time which
was a disgrace... look forward to seeing you all this time.
the one and only
el presidente
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Rugby Tops
Hi all,
We have been fortunate enough to receive funding from Lester Franks for surveying society rugby tops. This is a major donation in the thousands of dollars. As a result we will be selling the rugby tops for $30. These are heavily discounted as each jumper costs around 70 dollars each. All proceeds will go towards the end of year dinner. There are jumpers to try for size and a signup sheet in the computer room. John has put a picture and description on the computer room white board of what they will look like, John would like you to take special notice of the collar. There are only 45 tops so it is a case of first in first served. We will be putting in the order by the 20th of April so can you please give us your name and size by the 19th. Either see me, John, Ed, Dylan or Jack to order.
We have been fortunate enough to receive funding from Lester Franks for surveying society rugby tops. This is a major donation in the thousands of dollars. As a result we will be selling the rugby tops for $30. These are heavily discounted as each jumper costs around 70 dollars each. All proceeds will go towards the end of year dinner. There are jumpers to try for size and a signup sheet in the computer room. John has put a picture and description on the computer room white board of what they will look like, John would like you to take special notice of the collar. There are only 45 tops so it is a case of first in first served. We will be putting in the order by the 20th of April so can you please give us your name and size by the 19th. Either see me, John, Ed, Dylan or Jack to order.
El Presidente
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Easter BBQ
As last fridays bbq was washed out we have surplus stock and plan to getrid of it this wednesday. Everyone should attend no excuses. Were yet tobe graced by the presence of first years which is terribly disappointing.
Same prices as usual, $4bbq, $2.50 premos, $2 beers and $1 softies, sauceis free.It will be a great way to catch up before the easter break. It will alsobe a good warm up before the barrels being held later on in the afternoon.
See you at 12,
Your gracious leader
el presidente
Same prices as usual, $4bbq, $2.50 premos, $2 beers and $1 softies, sauceis free.It will be a great way to catch up before the easter break. It will alsobe a good warm up before the barrels being held later on in the afternoon.
See you at 12,
Your gracious leader
el presidente
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Footy Tipping
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
1st round of indoor soccer
The season was off to a rocky begining when danish our off season recruit missed a regulation penalty. Gradually we got going with Dylan and then John and the great dane getting on the scoreboard and at the half it was 4-nil. The opposition the Goldeadores fought back with a penalty goal from a suspect decision. The Golden Gaytime got rolling again banging on a further 5 to close out the game.
Danish 3
John 2
Jack 2
Dylan 1
Dave 1
Danish 3
John 2
Jack 2
Dylan 1
Dave 1
Monday, March 26, 2007
BBQ No. 3
Hi everyone,
It's time again for another exciting BBQ, this friday 30th March.
Same deal as usual $4 BBQ $2.50 premos, $2 beers and $1 softies.
DJ Coal Trainis in charge of the music so it should be a pumping event.
There was another pathetic turn-out last time, so how about you turn up this time. Especially first years, the BBQ is a great way to meet other people and not worry about assignments. Friends and hot sisters are all welcome.
It also recommened that you enjoy alcohol responsibly as Ed can tell you what accidents can happen when you dont!!
Your gracious leader
el presidente
It's time again for another exciting BBQ, this friday 30th March.
Same deal as usual $4 BBQ $2.50 premos, $2 beers and $1 softies.
DJ Coal Trainis in charge of the music so it should be a pumping event.
There was another pathetic turn-out last time, so how about you turn up this time. Especially first years, the BBQ is a great way to meet other people and not worry about assignments. Friends and hot sisters are all welcome.
It also recommened that you enjoy alcohol responsibly as Ed can tell you what accidents can happen when you dont!!
Your gracious leader
el presidente
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Second BBQ
Hi all,
Its time for another BBQ so on Friday jump on board the BBQ train. As we haven’t been able to get sponsorship yet prices are the same as last time. $4 BBQ, $2 beers, $2.50 premos and $1 softies.
The turn out was pretty disappointing last time, especially from first years, so please turn up this time (no goon laybacks will be forced upon you).
Your gracious leader,
el presidente.
Its time for another BBQ so on Friday jump on board the BBQ train. As we haven’t been able to get sponsorship yet prices are the same as last time. $4 BBQ, $2 beers, $2.50 premos and $1 softies.
The turn out was pretty disappointing last time, especially from first years, so please turn up this time (no goon laybacks will be forced upon you).
Your gracious leader,
el presidente.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
First BBQ

Hello all,
After a successful societies day yesterday we are happy to announce thatwe are having a bbq this friday starting at 12. Prices have increasedfrom last year but this is due the fact we have no funding so please dont complain cause thats the way it is.
$4 all you can eat bbq, $2 beers, $1softies. It would be great if all the first years come and say gday and there will be free goon laybacks for all first years (which are sort of compulsory).
Remember if not with us your against us, so turn up.
Your gracious leader,
el presidente
Friday, February 23, 2007
O Week 2007

Hi All,
Thank god the TUU decided to hold Societies Day between 3 and 6 on Wednesday. If the TUU had stuck to their original plan and held Societies Day from 12 to 3 then the Uni in their infinite wisdom would have forced the event to be dry. Yes, that's right, no alcohol.
Imagine all of us standing around without a beer in our hands at an event that is traditionally a huge party, it would have been very bazaar.
The Surveying Society should have a stall at the new and improved 2007 O Week. I say should because although Jack and have submitted the correct paperwork before the due date I have not got faith in the organisational skills of the TUU.
For example the Union is again holding a mini festival on Friday night at the Uni rugby fields. They have got a line up of local and international acts all concluded with a fireworks display. Now I like the sound of the bands but aren’t the fireworks a bit of a waste of our o so precious money?
Anyhow I hope to see you all next week and join the Surveying Society on Wednesday.
Cheers Ed
Thank god the TUU decided to hold Societies Day between 3 and 6 on Wednesday. If the TUU had stuck to their original plan and held Societies Day from 12 to 3 then the Uni in their infinite wisdom would have forced the event to be dry. Yes, that's right, no alcohol.
Imagine all of us standing around without a beer in our hands at an event that is traditionally a huge party, it would have been very bazaar.
The Surveying Society should have a stall at the new and improved 2007 O Week. I say should because although Jack and have submitted the correct paperwork before the due date I have not got faith in the organisational skills of the TUU.
For example the Union is again holding a mini festival on Friday night at the Uni rugby fields. They have got a line up of local and international acts all concluded with a fireworks display. Now I like the sound of the bands but aren’t the fireworks a bit of a waste of our o so precious money?
Anyhow I hope to see you all next week and join the Surveying Society on Wednesday.
Cheers Ed
Friday, November 17, 2006
Post Exam's Drinks
Since CenSIS only put the free wine and cheese on after the Surveying Exam we had to settle for a few beers at Knoppies and Irish after the Transformations and Projections Exam.

Thats the S$#T!

The happy couple

Mines this big.


Dick knows

I, to be sure, to be sure.


And last be not least, has anyone seen Shrek?

Thats the S$#T!

The happy couple

Mines this big.


Dick knows

I, to be sure, to be sure.


And last be not least, has anyone seen Shrek?
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
Tom gets Jiggy with John
Click on the Photo to see Tom and John throw up there heals and dance baby, Dance!!
Will take a little while to load but f*$k it's funny.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I hear INXS is touring Adelaide in summer
Saturday, October 28, 2006
MS Fest 07
MS Fest 2007 - March 11 Launceston
Tickets on sale from the 2nd of November but if you register via the website then you can get your tickets early.
This is a great opportunity for a Long-weekend road-trip to Launceston.
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