Tuesday, September 25, 2007

End of Year Dinner

The surveying society dinner is one of the most important tasks a surveyor faces in their social calendar. It is almost as important as including references in a GIS project. It is an opportunity to reflect on the year that was and celebrate with your fellow surveyors, as well as buying a beer for your lecturers before they mark the exams!

Site Location & Conditions
The site for this survey is the Shipwrights Arms Hotel, 29 Trumpeter Street Battery Point. On the 19th of October, at 6:30pm. The conditions are irrelevant as we will be inside.

A Surveying Society Stubby Holder will be supplied inclusive in the price of $45.

Make sure you have a lift home and/or have organised a bed at Ed’s house.
High Visibility gear will not be required however attendees are requested to “dress to impress”.
Vegetarians are dangerous. If you are one, let us know and we will try to organise alternative cuisine.

A three-course meal will be provided, as well as a substantial bar tab.

Discussion & Conclusion (RSVP by Friday 5th October) submitted to:
Michael French
John Magee
Edwin Darke (pay Ed, he has the receipt book)
Dylan Colson
Tim Lisle
  • End of year dinner
  • Cost: $45.00 includes 3 course dinner, bar tap and stubby cooler.
  • Where: Shipwright Arms, Battery Point
  • When: 6:30 for 7:00 Friday 19 October (last day of semester)
  • Dress: The more formal the better
  • RSVP: Friday 5 October to Ed Darke