Friday, May 25, 2007

End of Semester BBQ

Well ladies and gentlemen,

We are having a special BBQ to celebrate the last day of semester. Next
Friday (1st of June) we are lucky enough to have our major sponsors turn
up for one of our infamous BBQ’s. We will be graced with the presence of
the company director (networking!!!), the laser scanner (hi-tech!!!) and
possibly a robotic total station and new GPS (wow!!!). Now there is no
reason for anyone not to turn up. Have your resumes ready because im sure
they will be happy to talk work experience, that even goes for first
years, the best thing you can do is get work experience early on in your
degree. We have even hired Chef John to be in charge of salads (that’s
right SALADS!) it will be a gourmet delight.
From 11 we will have a presentation from Lester Franks, hopefully the
laser scanner should be in action.

Then at 12 the BBQ will start.
• $4 BBQ, only a gold coin donation from first years (so please turn up!)
• $1 soft drink
• $1.50 light beer
• $2 beer
• $2.50 premium beer
Please can we get every one to turn up and make this a great success,
remember its your uni life.

Your Gracious leader,
El Presidente

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

BBQ this Friday

Its time again for another bbq. this friday. you should all know the
drill by now. $4bbq, $2 beers, $2.50 premos, $1.50 lights and $1 softies.
as some of the boys finished off the goon last time there maybe a new
fresh vintage. dylan can tell every1 how 1 year old goon can make you
fall asleep in the metz toilets. no first years turned up last time which
was a disgrace... look forward to seeing you all this time.

the one and only
el presidente